The Unexpected Gift

A few days before I was scheduled to lead a continuing education workshop on Indian Head Massage, a massage therapist contacted me and wanted to see a video of the technique. I explained that I did not have a video.
I thought about it. “Wait a minute! I have a workshop coming up, so why don’t you just come by. You could be my model; you’ll see then what’s it like.”
“Great, see you then.”
The skill we were learning focuses on the upper body-releasing tension in the shoulders, back, arms, face and head – resulting in a far-down-in-the-body meditative state while sitting in a chair. When the energy is rebalanced, and homeostasis restored, one can feel more alive and energized to deal with life’s pressures. Indian Head Massage is a deep, contemplative, and magical seated massage.
I love to demonstrate on someone experiencing this massage for the first time. They have no expectations, no idea that sitting in a chair will relax them. The students can experience firsthand the before-and-after looks on a client’s face. These facial expressions encompass the true spirit of this massage.
By the time she came on Sunday, we had already learned the basic massage movements, so it was time to show my students the whole routine – putting all the pieces together. The students insisted we video the demonstration. I agreed. The class found their seats and formed a half circle around us with great anticipation.

“Class, this is Racheal. She is a massage therapist who has never experienced Indian Head Massage and wants to learn more about this unique modality before taking this workshop.” I began. Racheal sat in the folding chair in front of me.
“Would you mind sharing why your interest in this massage?”
“I love my scalp rubbed. It is so relaxing to have my hair tousled,” she said.
“Well, I am so glad you’re here. We would love your feedback. The session will last around forty-five minutes. Are you comfortable? Is there anything I can adjust to make you feel more at rest?” I asked.
“No, I think I’m good.” she said.
I whispered in her ear. “Let’s keep our communication open, so you feel more at ease.”
“Thank you.” She replied as she wiggled around, nestling in her chair.
I checked to see that her feet were firmly on the ground, and her arms were hanging down by her side. Body posture on the chair is important because the energy flow of a deep, meditative state happens when the body is ready to receive, surrendering in the moment. Our mind becomes clear as the body melts in this position and releases our spirits into a transformative state of being.
The students sat with their phones propped in their hands. Interesting enough, I didn’t pay any attention to their phones pointing at me, ready to record. Any other time, I would have felt self-conscious, but this time, I felt like I was walking into a grounded, spiritual zone. I checked within myself to surrender my will, and ask for the highest good to be given to Racheal.
At my nod, a student played soothing music to set a nurturing atmosphere. I laid my hands on her shoulders, and closed my eyes for a moment. I sensed there was something different about this massage. There is more to this routine today than learning a new modality, I thought. I settled in.
“Take some nice deep breaths.” As her breaths become deeper and deeper, our energies synchronized. The space we shared merged our spirits to transcend. The room disappeared around us. I felt a mystical excitement welling up inside me waiting for us to begin.
I started with an effleurage stroke to relax her back, then went on to compress each arm to destress them. I reminded her to continue to take deep breaths to release any uneasiness in her body. Her hand gently twitched. This shiver movement appeared as an awakened energy, releasing deep-seated body tension.

I placed my hands on each side of her face, and softly moved her head left to right to encourage flexibility. Her body fluttered. I felt her energy shift underneath my hands as she relinquished the heaviness of life’s pressures. I paused to hold the sacred space for her body to heal, then continued with the massage. Her emotions, stored deeply in her spirit, overflowed.
Soon, the tears flowed with a sigh of relief, releasing all that she surrendered. I cradled her head– and began to rock her gently. Then, I released her head, and gently bent down by her side to hug her with gratitude, whispering, “We are all in this together.”
This is baffling, how the two of us who never met can share this – I shook my head in disbelief.
As the session ended, I sensed the two of us needed space to release more emotions, so I said, “Let’s go outside.”
We swiftly walked out the back door, sat down on the porch step, leaned in closer, and gasped together. “What just happened?” With a deep breath and release, we giggled and felt the built-up energy that rose in our spirit, relax into the open air. We were ready to return to the group.
When we walked back into the room, we immediately sensed a sacredness in the atmosphere – as if time stood still. The students moved around the space in slow motion, in harmony, quietly exchanging small talk – and warm hugs. I heard sniffling and people pulling tissues from the box on the table. There was a shift that encompassed us in that room, from learning to enlightenment.
We sat down again to solidify the students’ experience when they watched the Indian Head Massage routine. A doorway opened to receive continuing education credit for their massage license, and also to experience a sacred place to emerge their hearts and heads in a timeless energy.
It felt like magic.
The students witnessed what it’s like to be in a nurturing place, so then in turn, they could hold this enlightenment for others to heal in their own practice. The experience brought a healing essence for each one of us. All of us came with our humanness into the room, with our own experiences, so our interpretations are customized to every person and can’t be imitated.
“For me, the desire is to be held in this unbiased way. I didn’t know what I was missing. I witnessed what’s it like to be in a sacred place with another.” One student shared.
The workshop came to an end with no need for more words. We embraced what we were searching for – renewing our passion for massage – the exploring new skills, and a rejuvenation of our spirit to continue our healing work.
I believe massage therapists begin this journey to help others heal, to truly bring light and love to the world. As we surrender the outcome, spirituality brings the greater good. First, we focus on healing as the desired outcome.
The magic touch of massage has the power to affect us in many ways: to relax muscles, reduce pain, calm the mind, and make us feel nurtured, and energized, and uplifted.
Teaching Indian Head Massage is my passion. I do my best to prepare, but I let go of the outcome. I now believe that people – more than ever – need the power of touch, and I can reach them using a simple folding chair.