Indian Head Massage
Indian Head Massage is a deeply relaxing treatment for tired, achy muscles. It calms the mind and brings the body into harmony. The ultimate goal is to release tension in the scalp, neck, and shoulders, along with providing relaxation and rejuvenation while sitting in a chair.
This highly experiential course will enable the student to integrate the healing effects of this time-honored tradition of eastern medicine in a nurturing atmosphere.
Indian Head Massage Gathering Event is now available!
A current massage therapy license is required
Missouri license # 2004009644, Indian Head Massage Practitioner Certificate # 4008/173
We will begin our workshop by introducing ourselves and discuss the effects, benefits, and advantages of this unique modality. In this workshop, we will learn an Indian Head Massage routine with the intention of feeling comfortable and confident to share with our clients.
Can’t Make it to any of our current workshops? sign up for upcoming workshop information below!
Ann Karkoski discovered Indian Head Massage in 2005 and then became a practitioner. Realizing its amazing healing effects while addressing body tension, she then decided to be a nationally certified approved provider to spread the word by teaching continuing education workshops. She consciously limited the number of students in her classes to provide an intimate class with a high level of personal attention to her students.
The class is approved by the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Bodywork and Massage NCBTMB Approved Provider # 451093-09 for continuing education.